Earthquake Insurance Resources



Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country

This 32-page full-color general interest publication provides information about the threat posed by earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay region and explains how you and your family can prepare for, survive, and recover from these inevitable events.






Association of Bay Area Governments

The AGAB has complied a weath of resources for residents of the Bay Area in California including fault maps and what to expect in a major earthquake.






California Geological Survey

The California Geological Survey is responsible in California for identifying zones for possible earthquake faulting, landslides, and liquefaction hazards.

Earthquake Fault Zones

Liquefaction Zones

Landslide Zones





FEMA Earthquake Prepardness

Learn how to make a plan, build a kit, and get involved. FEMA provides an interactive and easy to use resource that every person living in earthquake country should read.


